Oct 25, 2018
Happy Halloween with ghoulish Celtic music from The Here &
Now, Diamh, Merry Wives of Windsor, Flowers of Edinburgh, Gone
Molly, Melanie Gruben, Madman's Window, Wolf & Clover, 3 Pints
Gone, Cara Dillon, Janette Geri, Stout Pounders, Finnegan's Hell,
Heavy Blarney, Anne Roos.
I hope you...
Oct 18, 2018
My Lady Fair, bring thee Celtic music from Childsplay, Dervish,
Celia Ramsay, Fourth Moon, Matt & Shannon Heaton, Mithril, Brendan
Loughrey, Donna Germano, Three Mile Stone, The Clumsy Lovers,
Journey North, Murder the Stout, Arthur Hinds & the Round Table,
Paisley Close, Donal Clancy.
Oct 11, 2018
Celebrate the amazing women of Irish & Celtic music with me this week with music from Liz Carroll, Warbelow Range, The Selkie Girls, Shannon Heaton, Gone Molly, Melanie Gruben, Sarah Marie Mullen, Noirin Ni Riain, Moya Brenna, Ciana, Claire Roche, Christine Weir, Catriona McKay, Janette Geri, Chrissy Crowley, The Ennis...
Oct 4, 2018
Let's share Irish & Celtic music with our mates at Paddy Rock Podcast with Celtic music from The Gothard Sisters, Poitin, Colleen Raney, The Here & Now, Runa, Jimi McRae, Heather Dale, Eilis Crean, The Selkie Girls, Vintage Wildflowers, Ockham's Razor, Rathkeltair, The Elders, Barleyjuice, Jil Chambless, Ed Miller and...