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SUBSCRIBE If you love Celtic music, then céad míle fáilte! This is a weekly, hour-long, award-winning Celtic radio show featuring some of the best independent Irish & Celtic music, and all 100% Free!


Dec 16, 2011

Music from John McGaha, Jed Marum, Pandora Celtica, The Malarkeys, The Gothard Sisters, Heather Dale, Marc Gunn, Brocelïande, The Dregs, Coyote Run, Ceann, MacTalla Mor, The Elders, George Papavgeris.

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Dec 3, 2011

Music from Sloanwolfe, The Washington Square Harp and Shamrock Orchestra, Boston Blackthorne, Scooter Muse, Maidens IV, Brizeus, Vintage Wildflowers, Neidfyre, Stout Pounders, Castlebay, Emish, The Sheridan Band, Shillelagh Jack, Firkin, James Olin Oden.

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Nov 16, 2011

Music from Barrowburn Samantha Gillogly, Jil Chambless, Scooter Muse, Jimi McRae, Molly Bauckham,The Elders, Kathy Barwick, George Murphy, The Langer's Ball, Hunting McLeod, EHM, Rathkeltair, Cod Gone Wild.

Subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. Remember to support the artists who support...

Oct 31, 2011

Music from Gerry O'Beirne & Rosie Shipley The Roving Crows, Michael Black, Burning Bridget Cleary, Colleen Raney, Marc Gunn, Vintage Wildflowers, Fiddlin' in the Parlor, Stone Row, Bill Grogan's Goat, Icewagon Flu, Avalon Rising, Atlantic Wave.


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Oct 5, 2011

Music from Green Man, Cormant's Fancy, Alison Nolan, Ron Cody, Terry Griffith, Hair of the Dog, FiddleSticks, Bourbon & Shamrocks, Brobdingnagian Bards, Boston Blackthorne, Redhill Rats, Green Tea, Johnsons Motorcar, Nine-8ths Irish.

Sponsor: Stone Mountain Highland Games

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