Jan 1, 2022
Would you like your music played on the largest podcast for Celtic music in the world?
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is the largest free Celtic radio show of independent Irish & Celtic music since 2005. It won “Best Podsafe Music” in 2009, 2010, and 2017 in the annual Podcast Awards. It is one of the top music...
Jan 1, 2022
It's easier than ever....
Jan 1, 2022
Want to know how to Promote Your Celtic Band in the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast and Celtic Music Magazine?
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast includes a vast network of websites, including Celtic Music Magazine, St. Patrick's Day Party Music, Celtic Christmas Podcast, Celtic Christmas Music, Halfway to St. Patrick's Day,...
Mar 17, 2021
Do you love Celtic music, the music of
Ireland and Scotland?
Welcome to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Each week, you'll receive an hour-long, award-winning, Celtic radio show featuring some of the best independent Irish & Celtic music online. This is one of the top music podcasts on Apple Podcasts. It won...