I am continually overwhelmed by how much everyone loves this show. It makes me feel like the many awards we've won are well-earned, and I'm doing a good job. This show is all about you and our united Celtic heritage. So thank you for joining me on this great journey to share the incredible music of the Celts.
The show is an overwhelming success. So much so, I have trouble keeping up with all the emails. But I REALLY WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU.
Post On Facebook
If you have a question, a comment, have a band suggestion, or just want to share your passion for Celtic music please, please post on the podcast facebook wall or message me there.
Post on Twitter
Post a comment with the hashtag #celticpodcast.
Email Me
If you need to reach me directly, the best way is to email me directly at celticpodcast[at]gmail.com.