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SUBSCRIBE If you love Celtic music, then céad míle fáilte! This is a weekly, hour-long, award-winning Celtic radio show featuring some of the best independent Irish & Celtic music, and all 100% Free!


Jan 3, 2019

Celebrate the Year of the Irish & Celtic Women.

ChildsPlay, Solasta, Catherine Koehler, Warbelow Range, Tami Curtis, The Ennis Sisters, Hibernia, The Gothard Sisters, Jodee James, Gwendolyn Snowdown, Anne Roos, Sharon Shannon, Janette Geri, Gone Molly.

I hope you enjoyed this week's show. If you did, please share the show with ONE friend. 

The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is dedicated to growing our community and helping the incredible artists who so generously share their music. If you find music you love, buy their albums, shirts, and songbooks, follow them on Spotify, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast. 

Remember also to Subscribe to the Celtic Music Magazine. Every week, I'll send you 4 or 5 cool bits of Celtic music news. It's a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic community. Plus, you'll get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free, just for signing up today. Thank you again for being a Celt of Kindness. 

It's easier than ever to do. Just list the show number, and the name of one or two bands. That's it. You can vote once for each episode help me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2018 episode. 



0:04 "Maids Of Galway / Jenny Picking Cockles / Epic Reel" by ChildsPlay from The Bloom of Youth

5:28 "The Pirate Set" by Solasta from A Cure for the Curious

11:53 "My Lovely Rose of Clare" by Catherine Koehler from Shan-A-Key

15:14 "The Meelick Team / The Gallowglass / Humours of Drinagh" by Warbelow Range from Warbelow Range

19:57 "Grave" by Tami Curtis from Cavort


25:20 "Sunken Grave" by The Ennis Sisters from Keeping Time

29:40 "Bothan Airigh am Braigh Raithneach" by Hibernia from Wide Waters

33:16 "Bells on the Hill" by The Gothard Sisters from Midnight Sun

37:10 "Bless the Creatures" by Jodee James from Lady of the Fountain


43:53 "Lovely on the Water" by Gwendolyn Snowdown from Three Strand Braid

47:43 "Maid on the Shore" by Anne Roos from Mermaids & Mariners

50:25 "Rusheen Bay" by Sharon Shannon from Sacred Earth

54:16 "A Stor Mo Chroi" by Janette Geri from Among the Flowers

59:37 "Lost Lovers Lullaby" by Gone Molly from Gone Molly

The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to Apple Podcasts or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. Promote Celtic culture through music at


* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. My name is Marc Gunn. I am a Celtic musician and podcaster. This show is dedicated to the indie Celtic musicians. I want to ask you to support these artists. Share the show with your friends. And find more episodes at You can also support this podcast on Patreon.

I want to kick off this year celebrating the women of Celtic music. Women in music do not get nearly enough attention. One of my goals to remedy that is to do a special feature on women every three months or so. I dub this the year of the Irish & Celtic Women. 

If you want to get your music on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast in 2019, head on over to Complete the form and follow the directions to send in music. I'll get you on the show as soon as possible. 

Oh! And don't forget to read my free book on promoting Celtic music in the digital era. This is a great resource for your Celtic band.

I am excited to announce a brand new year for voting in the Celtic Top 20. I made it even easier to vote in 2019. I know. How is that possible? Last year's was the easiest ever! 

This year, you don't have to limit yourself to one band or two bands. In fact, you can vote for as many artists as you'd like in each show. This should make it easier to vote. 

Here's how I recommend you vote. At the top of the shownotes of each episode, I list every artist in that is featured in that show. You just need to copy that list into a text file on your phone or wherever. When you find an artist who doesn't inspire, remove them from that list. 

At the end of the show, copy that list. Go back to the shownotes. A little down from the top of the shownotes is a link to go vote. Click the link. List the show number, paste your entire list of favorites. Add your name and email for verification. And voila. You are done.

I had so many people say they couldn't decide who to vote for because there were so many great options. I decided to reverse the process. And I tried it out last year. I found this a TON easier.

Now if you have your own method, or you just want to vote for your top top favorites. Cool! But this is a method that worked well for me!

Give it a try. Then go vote at 

Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through it's culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. 

2019 is the Celtic Invasion of Star Wars. 2020 is the Origins of Celtic Invasions. You can find out more about these two exciting trips. Join the invasion at


The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is listener-supported. Instead of filling your ears with advertisements, I make this show free and let you, the listener, support the podcast through your kind patronage on Patreon. You can make a per episode pledge and cap how much you want to spend each month supporting this podcast.

Your generosity funds the creation, production, and promotion of the show. Best of all, you get episodes before regular listeners, discounts on merch, and when we hit a milestone, you get extra special episodes.

I want to thank our amazing Celtic Legends. These folks pledge $25 per month to support this podcast. Thank you to the the following Celtic Legends: Annie Lorkowski, Brakeing Down Security Podcast, Brendan Nix, Bryan Brake, Carol Baril, Chris, Darby O'Flannery, Hank Woodward, Hunter Melville, HuskerArmoury, John Bilderback, John Sharkey White, II, Johnny Berry, Kevin Long, Lynda MacNeil, Marianne Ludwig, Nancie Barnett, Ockham's Razor, Rian P Kegerreis, Scott Benson, Shawn Cali, Theresa Sullivan, Tiffany Knight

You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast at


What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Email a voicemail message to

Catherine Koehler emailed a photo:"Having joined the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast last Friday, I received my first "official" Thursday podcast while at work teaching art to students throughout the state of Mississippi via virtual classroom.  

I have used Pandora for the past few years to pipe music into these rural and remote classrooms using the lesson to determine the music that is played.  Graffiti lesson gets clean hip-hop, Romare Bearden gets Jazz, Kandinsky gets classical, and now evidently learning and painting the Color Wheel gets Celtic!  The podcast arrived and I didn't want to wait to listen to it so we all went GREEN for the rest of the day!  Makes perfect sense to me!

Thanks for the wonderful collection of songs.  I've been listening to all of the earlier podcasts as so many others have done.  I truly didn't think there was a single song I have not heard of the Irish ballads but I've definitely found a few while listening.  You really do a great job and I'm looking forward to a wonderful online future with the Irish and Celtic Music podcast.


Catherine Koehler

Conrad Bear emailed photos: "Hi Marc! Listening to the podcast for this week makes washing dishes on a cool Ozark morning a great experience! Ha! My wife and I recently discovered your podcast and love it!"