Nov 18, 2005
Why you should not declaw your cats, and some great
alternatives, plus a cat silliness on the net.
Cat Music & News
- Irish Drinking Songs for
Cat Lovers now available
- The
Mows, a daily cat web
- Stuff On My Cat, pictures of cats with things on
- My
Cat Hates, Pictures
of sneering putty tats
- House of Dra, designer
shirts for Renaissance & Celtic Festivals,
- Cats I Met on the Road
- Artemis (She's a tabby colored singularity...)
- Cassiopeia (Cassie for short,
she used to belong to Satan, but he couldn't handle her so he
dumped her off at MadLadyRed's house.)
- The kitties were Cicero (the big gray that tried to conquer my
car), Ophelia (the nervous orange one), and Fortuna.
- Declawing FAQ, Original article was written by
Veterinarian, Dr. Christianne Schelling
- Declawing
- Another declawing alternative is Soft
Paws, or call
- Irish
Drinking Songs, the Cat Lover's Companion CD
- Music: Harry
Potter and The Rising of the Moon
Special thanks to these suppporters: Susan Saint-Lockhart,
Charles Walker, Scott Robinson, Jennifer L. Sperry, Shelley Oden,
Elizabeth Northrup, R N Goddard, Mary Mealiffe, Larry Lochner,
Catherine Devine, David & Deborah Kaye Bibb, Kathryn Robinson,
Charlotte Straight, Tay Aston, Fred Milano, Sandra Bobleter,
Shelley Clifford, Matthew Williams, Dennise D Hunting, Roger
Skulsky, Brenda Jarvis, Virginia Page, Kelli McLaughlin, Alan
Brown, Steve Shonk, Fireball Express, Sarah leonard & Sarah Gruetz,
Rebecca Jordan, Sara Carman, Beth Beal
The Cat Lovers Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn. Subscribe and
read the shownotes at