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SUBSCRIBE If you love Celtic music, then céad míle fáilte! This is a weekly, hour-long, award-winning Celtic radio show featuring some of the best independent Irish & Celtic music, and all 100% Free!


Nov 26, 2015

Thanksgiving is this week in the U.S.. A lot of folks will be traveling. This show is dedicated to the Celtic travelers around the world with Irish Celtic music from Athas, Aisling, Anois, Samantha Gillogly/Tim Maurice, Vintage Wildflowers, Tortoise and Hair, Seasons, Don Gabbert, Aul' Grey Whistle, Ashley Davis, Redhill Rats, Out of Alba, The Wildcelts, Gaelic Storm, Allison Barber.

If you enjoy this podcast, then please rate the show on iTunes or your favorite podcatcher. Then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your guide to the latest Celtic music and podcast news. Subscribe today to download 34 Celtic MP3s for free. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.

And remember to Vote in the Celtic Top 20. Your active voting will help define the Top 20 songs of 2015 at the end of the year.


Today's show is brought to you by

Are you looking for some Celtic Christmas music this holiday season? highlights all things Celtic Christmas for the holidays with articles, blogs, podcasts, and of course two Celtic Christmas albums. Marc Gunn's 2014 album Celtic Christmas Greetings and A Celtic Christmas. That's the compilation put out by the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast featuring some of our Celtic musicians take on both traditional and original Christmas songs and tunes. Find out more at



* Thanks to the Patrons of the Podcast. Your kind and generous support keeps this show running every week. Become a Patron. Special thanks to our newest Patrons: Stuart, Nicholas, and Kouroth

And HUGE thanks to our Celtic Superstars: Ockham's Razor, John Sharkey White II, Teresa Sullivan, Wesley R Dunnington, Anna Cylkowski, Brendan Nix, John Bilderback, Brakeing Down Security Podcast, Rian P Kegerreis, Steven, Samual Hill, Johnny Berry, and Shawn Cali.

Thanks to all our generous patrons, we hit a $400 Milestone which means, I'm gonna start planning a two-hour Celtic Harp Music Special.

* Do you want one of the 2015 Irish & Celtic Music Podcast t-shirts? You can save 40% off the shirt price from now until the end of November 2015 when that design will be discontinued. Go to to the Celtic T-Shirts link or follow the link in the shownotes. Use coupon code: PODCASTFAN and you'll save 40% on that shirt. After this month, James McDaniel will design the 2016 shirt. So get yours now!

* I also have Irish Christmas Cards that you can get. Head over to to order yours before the end of November if you want them in time for the holidays.

* Finally, I have a new Celtic Christmas single I recorded with Rudiger Reinhardt of An Taisdeal

* I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK: What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? Send me pictures of what you're doing or picture of one of your travels to Ireland or Scotland

MosieH238 wrote on iTunes: "I tried other podcasts - but this one always delivers...the best compilations of fantastic artists and surprises in this great Celtic music. Thanks Marc Gunn!"

Patrick wrote: "Hi Marc Gunn. My name is Patrick and I really love your podcast although you play too many instrumentals for my taste. Still it's a great podcast and I love it. I also like you music from you personally. My favorite I think is Lord of the Pounce. By the way, look for the band The Irish Rovers. They have some really good songs, especially on their Irish Gems collection album. Keep on playing the Celtic music and thanks for the podcast!"

Remember too, when you buy through our affiliates at Amazon or iTunes, you support the artists AND the podcast.


This Week in Celtic Music

0:33 - "Tonra's/Bill Collins’/The Spotted Dog (jigs)" by Athas from 10 for 10: Live Tracks and Rarities

7:58 - "Brian O'Lynn - The Pilgram's Road - Dancing On The Headstones" by Aisling from The Pilgrim's Road

12:54 - "The Wanderer" by Anois from Emily Bronte

16:40 - "Misty Mountain" by Samantha Gillogly/Tim Maurice from Single

18:46 - "Sailing Off to the Yankee Land" by Vintage Wildflowers from Lovely Madness

24:33 - "Traveling Song" by Tortoise and Hair from A Front Row Seat

27:31 - "Ferry to Holyhead" by Seasons from Seasons

30:21 - "The Road to Killybegs" by Don Gabbert from Tejas Go Bragh

32:20 - "She Grooves Through the Fair" by Aul' Grey Whistle

38:03 - "Night Travels" by Ashley Davis from Night Travels

43:48 - "Perfect Traveler" by Redhill Rats from Cape Wolf

48:42 - "Gravel Road Medley" by Out of Alba from Nithi Sessions

51:10 - "I Miss My Home" by Gaelic Storm from How Are We Getting Home?

55:57 - "Traveling Home" by Allison Barber from Traveling Home

The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to iTunes or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. You can post feedback in the shownotes.