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SUBSCRIBE If you love Celtic music, then céad míle fáilte! This is a weekly, hour-long, award-winning Celtic radio show featuring some of the best independent Irish & Celtic music, and all 100% Free!


Dec 4, 2015

December is here. That means it's time to start planning my Celtic Christmas music specials like I do every year. But I have one more show to share before the holiday music begins with great indie Celtic music from Maidens IV, Mithril, 3 Pints Gone, The Washington Square Harp and Shamrock Orchestra, The Poxy Boggards, Bat Kinane, LandLoch'd, Breabach, The Skelligs, A Band of Rogues, Kilmaine Saints, Green Tea, Danny Carthy, Jiggernaut, Bonhomme Setter.

If you enjoy this podcast, then please rate the show on iTunes or your favorite podcatcher. Then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your guide to the latest Celtic music and podcast news. Subscribe today to download 34 Celtic MP3s for free. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, download their MP3s, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.

And remember to Vote in the Celtic Top 20. Your active voting will help define the Top 20 songs of 2015 at the end of the year. Photo by William Murphy

Today's show is brought to you by Celtic Invasion Vacations

Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans to exotic locations around the world. We don’t travel in big tour buses and see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to Know the region through its culture, history, and legends. Plus, I bring you some great Celtic music by me and other Celtic artists. We're going to Cornwall in 2016. Subscribe to the mailing list to join the invasion at



* Thanks to the Patrons of the Podcast. Your kind and generous support keeps this show running every week. Become a Patron. Special thanks to our newest Patrons: Robert and Asa

* Taking a break from this podcast next week to release the first Celtic Christmas Podcast of the year.

* My Celtic Christmas Music website is now mobile-ready. Go to to read the articles. And now you can listen to my article "What is Celtic Christmas Music?" in the Celtfather podcast.

* I released several new Celtic Music Spotlights in The Celtfather podcast. You'll hear more about Wild Colonial Bhoys, Jig to a Milestone, and Black Market Haggis.

* There are two weekends left at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. Come see me perform with Kilted Kings.

* I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK: What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? Send me pictures of what you're doing or picture of one of your travels to Ireland or Scotland

Vic wrote: "Hi Marc, greetings from Down Under. Thank you for another year of fab music. May you and your family have a merry Christmas. In Oz its its starting to warm up, so we'll be escaping to Tasmania for the Cygnet and George Town Folk Festivals. Cheers Vic"

Rick wrote: Mark, Earlier this year, my wife and I took a bucket list trip to Scotland and Ireland and England. In preparation for the trip I found your podcast and have been listening ever since. I went to my first Louisiana Renaissance Festival this month and took a side trip up a small rise and found a pair of Celtic musicians playing. I said to myself, that guy sure sounds like Mark Gunn. I later learned that it indeed was you, but could not return to find you as I was busily engaged in watching grandchildren at the fest. I enjoyed your set and enjoy the podcast very much. Attached a few of our favorite shots from the trip. Slainte! Rick Rawle, Slidell Louisiana, 45% British and 2% Irish according to Ancestry DNA."

* Remember too, when you buy through our affiliates at Amazon or iTunes, you support the artists AND the podcast.


This Week in Celtic Music

0:29 - "Four in the Heartland" by Maidens IV from Emerald Fire

6:45 - "The Good Natured Man/The H.O.F" by Mithril from The Return Home

10:08 - "Donegal Danny" by 3 Pints Gone from It's About Bloody Time

15:17 - "Miss McGuinness / Tommy Peoples’ / The Torn Jacket (reels)" by The Washington Square Harp and Shamrock Orchestra from Since Maggie Dooley Learned the Hooley Hooley

19:20 - "This Pub That We Call Home" by The Poxy Boggards from Anchor Management

22:23 - Celtic Music News

23:57 - "Biddy Mulvey and the Landgrabber" by Bat Kinane from The Hills Above the Valley

27:37 - "Irish Rover" by LandLoch'd from Loch'd and Loaded

30:06 - "Chloe's Passion" by Breabach  from The Big Spree

33:46 - "In London So Fair" by The Skelligs from Kingdom Come

38:17 - "Ballyvaughn" by A Band of Rogues from A Band of Rogues

43:32 - Celtic Feedback

45:21 - "Ten Fathoms Deep" by Kilmaine Saints from The Good, The Plaid, and The Ugly

49:09 - "3 Piece Trad Set" by Green Tea from Synergy EP

51:55 - "Paddy Would a Wooing Go" by Danny Carthy from Stand Look Around You

55:14 - "The City Boy Set" by Jiggernaut from In Search of More

59:07 - "The Blacksmith" by Bonhomme Setter from Obia

The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to iTunes or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. You can post feedback in the shownotes.