Sep 17, 2014
Irish Celtic music in show #174 celebrating Talking Like a Pirate Day with Allan Yn Y Fan, Kennedy's Kitchen, Bourbon & Shamrocks, Captain Black Jack, Empty Hats, Rambling Sailors, Trinity River Whalers, SlipJig, Bob Conroy, The Gothard Sisters, The Kreellers, Heather Dale, Callanach, Bill Grogan's Goat, The Shanties.
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Experience travel like you've never done before on Marc Gunn's Celtic Invasion Vacation. You will enjoy a small, friendly group that is one-third the size of most tour groups. Smile, laugh, and sing-along as you enjoy exotic sites around the world, and make lots of wonderful, new memories. Join me in June 2015, when we explore County Donegal and the Giant's Causeway. This exciting adventure will take us to one of the most unvisited parts of Ireland where glorious secret treaures await. Subscribe to the mailing and join the invasion at
- Your guide to the Best indie Celtic music online
- Thanks to the Patrons of the Podcast over on Patreon. You too can Support the podcast! A special thanks to David who offered a huge selection of great pirate songs and sea shanties for this week's episode.
- September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Did you that one man in seven will be diagnosed with Prostate cancer in their lifetime? Nearly 2/3 of diagnoised cases are of many older than 65. Kilted to Kick Cancer is a non-profit organization diesgned to raise awareness about prostate cancer. The organization encourages men to don their kilts in September as a way to spark conversation about prostate cancer and encourage men to get checked. You can find out more about it
- Listen to win free tickets to the Sherwood Celtic Music Festival
- Halfway to St. Patrick's Day
- #CelticThursday. Use the hashtag to promote Celtic music, art, dance, and culture every Thursday.
- I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK: Post a comment on our Facebook fan page or call 678-CELT-POD to leave a voicemail message. That's 678-235-8763. Or just record an MP3 and send it to
"Sea Sick Sailors / The Rough Crossing" by Allan Yn Y Fan
from Pwnco on iTunes
"The Swallow's Tail Reel/The Sailor's Bonnet/Over The Moor To
Maggie" by Kennedy's
from The Birds Upon The Trees on iTunes
"Pirate's Life" by Bourbon & Shamrocks
from Shock & ARRRR! on iTunes
"PSA Talk Like A Pirate Day" by Captain Black Jack Murphy
from Pogue Means Kiss My Arse on iTunes
"Blacksmith Reel/Sailor On The Rock/Humors Of Tulla"
by Empty Hats
from Captured on iTunes
"Davey Jones" by Rambling Sailors
from Ports of Call on iTunes
Celtic Music News
"Botany Bay" by Trinity River Whalers
from Knotty Tales on iTunes
"The Carraroe Jig / Out On The Ocean / Joy Of Life"
by SlipJig
from So Far... on iTunes
"Larry Maher’s Big Five-Gallon Jar" by Bob
from Irish Pirate Ballads and Other Songs of the Sea
on iTunes
"The Sailor and the Mermaid" by The Gothard Sisters
from Story Girl on iTunes
"Excursion Around the Bay" by The Kreellers
from Sixth and Porter on iTunes
"The Maiden And The Selkie" by Heather Dale
from The Green Knight on iTunes
"A Sailor's Song" by Callanach
from Walk On Up on iTunes
"Drunken Sailor" by Bill Grogan's Goat
from Second Wind on iTunes
"Sailing Songs" by The
from The Shanties Fear Not on iTunes
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. If you enjoyed the music you heard, support the artists in this show. Buy their music. Then tell your friends to visit